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What is Invisalign First Treatment?

We often encounter the question “Is it necessary to apply orthodontic treatment to children in the early stages?” Our children’s first orthodontic examination at the age of 7 must be performed by an orthodontist. Unfortunately, from time to time, misinformed families may miss the right orthodontic treatment time for their children. As a result, being too late for the treatment that needs to be applied sometimes even causes the patient to have to undergo chin correction with surgery. However, early interventions often allow our children to be corrected in the future without the need for more difficult orthodontic treatments such as surgery.

What do we look for in the first orthodontic examination at the age of 7?

  • Are the jaws in the correct position relative to each other?
  • Is there a shift of the lower jaw to the right or left due to incorrect tooth contact?
  • Is there asymmetric development in the lower jaw?
  • Is there a decrease in the location of the permanent tooth due to early loss of primary teeth?
  • Is there horizontal stenosis and deep palatal vault in the upper jaw?
  • Does the child have any wrong habits such as thumb sucking or nail biting?
  • Is there an incorrect swallowing pattern manifested by tongue thrust?
  • Is there a lip or tongue tie adhesion that will affect speech and the position of the teeth incorrectly?

These issues listed above are evaluated by the orthodontist after a detailed clinical examination of the child and x-rays taken. Is there a lip or tongue tie adhesion that will affect speech and the position of the teeth incorrectly? Necessary information about the process is provided. However, if there is no such problem, the child is called for annual check-ups to monitor the eruption of her teeth and jaw development. Necessary brushing training is given and protective measures are mentioned to protect the health of newly emerged teeth.

‘Invisalign first’ is the name of the current orthodontic treatment method performed with transparent aligners, which is an alternative to traditional orthodontic devices used in children. It can be compared to traditional appliances (consisting of a combination of acrylic and wire) as follows:

İnvisalign first:

  • Transparent plate material is very thin and light
  • It does not cause irritation in soft tissues such as cheeks, lips and tongue, which is experienced with traditional appliances.
  • It provides rapid treatment as it is produced with a digital treatment plan.
  • A series of plates come and are used sequentially, starting with number 1. It can be tolerated in cases of breakage and disappearance. Sonraki plakla devam edilebilir
  • Does not disrupt oral hygiene
  • Does not affect speech like traditional appliances
  • It is aesthetic, almost not noticeable
  • It fits the teeth very harmoniously and tightly. Feeling of loosening in traditional appliances

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